A Tallahassee man with a desire to do a little good will hold a ribbon-cutting for his second Community Food Pantry Box next week at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 9 in Bristol at the Wellness & Counseling Center on SR 20.  The first pantry box was dedicated a few weeks ago in Hosford at Torreya Health Care. 

Greg Parsons (shown above at left) says it takes him three to four days to make each pantry box and he hopes to put out five in the panhandle.  The boxes – which look like a small dollhouse – are there to supply food and some everyday essentials like soap and toothpaste for those in need.  He hopes local folks with something to spare will add a few cans of food, perhaps some snacks and some personal care items when they find themselves with  more than they can use.

A large box food was recently dropped off at the Hosford site and will ensure their pantry box stays stocked for a while but donations are always welcome.