
BRISTOL, FL – Six candidates have applied to fill the remaining two-year term of Liberty County Judge following the retirement of longtime Judge Kenneth Hosford.

The list includes Elijah L. Bentley, Chris Bufano, Robin E. Myers, Laura K. Parish, Jennifer W. Shuler and Jackson Summers.

The Second Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission will interview candidates starting at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 15 at  Veterans Memorial Civic Center, located 10405 NW Theo Jacobs Way in Bristol in Conference Room 10. Interviews will be held in alphabetical order lasting 20 minutes with a five-minute break between interviews. Interviews by the Commission will continue until all applicants have been interviewed.

The members of the Judicial Nominating Commission include: William N. Spicola, Chair, David Axelman, Vice Chair, Matthew J. Carson, Natalie Christmas, Robert Neil Clarke, Jr., Carly Hermanson, Brian Newman, Kristina R. Osterhaus, and Ray Tread.

Until an appointment is made, Circuit Court Judges Ron Flury and David Frank will be overseeing cases coming through the county judge’s office.

“The rule is, if a vacancy comes up before qualifying ends, the governor can make an appointment,” said Liberty County Supervisor of Elections Grant Conyers. That person will serve until the 2026 election. No judicial appointment can last less than year.

Judge Hosford was the longest serving judge in Liberty County with over 27 years in office.