BRISTOL, FL – As a result of the resignation of Judge Kenneth Hosford, there is a vacancy on the Liberty County Court bench. Gov. Ron DeSantis has asked the Second Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission to provide him with highly qualified nominees for this vacancy by no later than Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

After interviews and deliberations Monday, April 16 in Bristol, the nominees – listed in alphabetical order – include:

•Elijah L. Bentley

•Chris Bufano

•Laura K. Parish

•Jennifer W. Shuler

The members of the Judicial Nominating Commission include the following: William N. Spicola, Chair, David Axelman, Vice Chair, Matthew J. Carson, Natalie Christmas, Robert Neil Clarke, Jr., Carly A. Hermanson, Brian Newman, Kristina R. Osterhaus, and Ray Treadwell.