Why doesn’t Calhoun

County have a GED

program for residents?


To the editor:

Having a high school education or a high school equivalency (GED Program) can take one far in life if you choose to pursue it.

Either option can open up different opportunities. For example, one may want to further their education by attending college or going to a trade school. It is important, especially when it comes to applying for a job.

What options can parents offer their teenagers who have dropped out of high school? What does one say to someone in their 20s or late 30s who would like to go back to school and get their GED? As a resident of Calhoun County, FL, I find it rather disappointing that we do not have an adult education program for teens or adults who would like to continue their education.

The answer I was given when I asked about the situation was that the school district removed the GED program because they did not feel they needed it any more. Calhoun County’s adult education has been closed for almost four years now.

The only available adult education (GED) programs that are nearby for Calhoun County residents are located in neighboring Liberty County and Jackson County. How does a person travel when their only transportation is walking because they cannot afford transportation expenses due to their financial situation? The privilege of having a vehicle is not accessible for everyone.

We need somewhere that people here can get to. The Calhoun County Public Library once had a program that could help you to get a high school diploma but it is no longer available. The public library is an option but they need funding to get an education program started.

The community has come together before and maybe there is something that could be in the works. Calhoun County needs to reopen the GED program.

I hope those we vote for in the upcoming election will represent our county’s educational needs and be willing to make these opportunities available for everyone.

Thank you,

Ty’Tianna C. Braun
