December 21, 2024

Chipola students honored

at recent awards ceremony

MARIANNA, FL —Chipola College recognized the outstanding achievements of its students at the recent annual Awards Ceremony. Awards were presented for academics, athletics and extracurricular activities.

The following students received academic awards: Leah Naylor of Sneads, Freshmen English; Macy Jordan of Bascom, Kaycie Rich of Bascom and Haylee Tillman of Altha, Sophomore English; Sarah Smith of Marianna, Calculus I; Owen Page of Chipley, Calculus II; Brayden Hand of Blountstown, Calculus III; Avery Lane of Blountstown, Biology for Science Majors; Avery Lane of Blountstown, General Chemistry; Jaycee Suggs of Chipley, Organic Chemistry; Emily Torbett of Grand Ridge, Health Sciences; Annah-Grace Floyd of Marianna, Social & Behavioral Science; Kacey Armstrong of Chipley, Accounting – AA/AS; Traci Hall of Blountstown and Megan Hand of Bainbridge, GA, Accounting – BSBA; Kathrine Seger of Marianna, Computer Science – AA/AS; Nicholas O’Dell of Cottondale, Digital Forensics; Hannah Chambliss of Alford and Taylor Yoder of Altha, General Management – BSBA; Shayna Murphy of Graceville, Information Systems – BSBA; Kathrine Seger of Marianna, Network Security – CCC; Shayna Murphy of Graceville, Strategic Management – BSB.

The following students received Scholarship awards: Summer Alford of Ponce De Leon; Grace Armstrong of Bonifay; Kayleigh Bass of Bonifay; Sara Catherine Brown of Hosford; Addie Cope of Chipley; Emily Fuller of Altha; Karlie Kolmetz of Bonifay; Kaden Lemieux of Bonifay; Chad Mayo of Bonifay; Trenton Pilcher of Bonifay, Dominic Weiland of Chipley, Josh Allen of Marianna, E’Laycia Williams-Mallet of Marianna, Brantley Willis of Marianna, Florida State University/Panama City Transfer Scholarship; Pranav Patel of Bonifay, Dr. Robert E. Ringer Science Scholarship.

Students in Workforce Development programs received the following awards: Gabriel Corbin of Marianna, Advance Manufacturing Technology; Samuel Haney of Bristol, Automotive Service Technology; Joshua Register of Grand Ridge, Building Construction Technology; Elijah Harper of Marianna, Civil Engineering Technology; Stephanie Wriston of Dothan, Corrections; Madison McGhee of Bristol, Cosmetology; Devarsh Patel of Sneads, Engineering Technology; Siddiq Rushdan of Greenwood, Fire Fighter; Brittany Baggett of Altha, Law Enforcement; Kaylei Jenks of Graceville, Welding; Emmanuel Morgan of Marianna, Advanced Welding.

Two students received for awards for athletics: Erica Ramsey of Port St. Joe, Chipola College Scholar-Athlete Award; Amari Brown of Marianna, Neal Sportsmanship Award.

The following students received State and National academic awards: Seth Crutchfield of Bonifay, Jack Taylor-Ebersole of Blountstown, Cade Foxworth of Bonifay, Brayden Hand of Blountstown, John Maupin of Blountstown, Chad Mayo of Bonifay, Oliver Nandho of Blountstown and Trevor Shelton of Malone, Chipola Brain Bowl FCSA State and NAQ National Champions; Chris Brockington of Bascom and Emmaleigh Presley of Grand Ridge, FBLA Collegiate State Leadership Conference; Chad Mayo of Bonifay, FBLA Collegiate Award; Sara Catherine Brown of Hosford, PTK All-Florida Academic Team & Coca-Cola Silver Scholarship, Oliver Nandho of Blountstown, All-Florida Academic Team.

The following students received leadership awards: Chris Brockington of Bascom, Black Student Union (BSU) Leadership Award; Lillian Anderson of Cottondale, Gabriella Fanchette of Malone, Alayna Matthews of Grand Ridge and  Katilyn Powley of Bonifay, Fine Arts – FCSAA Outstanding Performance in Theatre; Teona Potter of Vernon and Oliver Nandho of Blountstown, Honors Program Citizen Scholar Award; Thomas Schaefer of Marianna, Leadership in Business Award, Jack Taylor-Ebersole of Blountstown, Mu Alpha Theta President’s Award; Bhakti Patel of Marianna, Spanish Culture Association President’s Award; Hayley Dollar of Bascom and Payton Tillman of Malone, William and Betty Stabler Library Award; Jared Holcomb of Bristol, Student Scientists Association President’s Award; Sara Catherine Brown of Hosford, outgoing president 2023-2024, Braeden Smith of Altha, incoming president 2024-2025.

The following Faculty and Staff received service awards: Bonnie Smith of Chipley, Distinguished Service Award for Administrators, Nancy Johnson of Marianna, Distinguished Service Award for Career Employees; Dr. Jeff Bodart of Marianna, Distinguished Service Award for Faculty.


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