Fire started around 12:30 a.m.

Lightning strike

destroys Bristol

home early Monday

by Teresa Eubanks,

BRISTOL, FL – A severe thunderstorm unleashed a lightning strike that could be heard throughout Bristol early Monday morning, igniting a 1978-era two-story brick home off County Road 12.

A neighbor who heard when the house was hit looked out the window, saw the flames and called for help.

Firefighters from throughout Liberty County, along with three from the Blountstown Fire Department, left their beds and rushed to the residence at 15215 NW CR 12, across the road from Lake Mystic Baptist Church, to try to save the home.

CR 12 had to be shut down as water lines were run to fire hydrants from fire trucks.

There were approximately 29 firefighters responding, according to Bristol Fire Chief Dale Hobby, who had 12 on scene from his department.   He said there were about eight volunteers from the Hosford-Telogia VFD, two from the Estiffanulga VFD and four from the Rock Bluff VFD, in addition to the three from the Blountstown Fire Department.  Liberty County Sheriff’s Office deputies were also on scene, helping to direct traffic and pull fire hoses.

The residence was home to Trey and Heather Lincoln.  Trey, who is an FHP trooper, was home alone at the time when he heard a loud boom.  He first thought his neighbor’s home had been struck but then heard his smoke alarms going off. He was quick to move three vehicles, including his patrol car, away from the burning structure.

“He was able to get some of their valuables before the roof crashed in,” said his stepfather-in-law, Ricky Stafford.  “He gathered up his guns, some jewelry and family birth certificates. It’s fortunate he was there.”

Heather and their daughter, Lennon, were visiting family in Texas, where her stepfather is also working this week with his insulation business.

The family has already had several offers of places to stay.  “They have options,” he said.  “I guess it’s as good a scenario as you could have in a situation like this.  They can bounce back from this.”

He added that the family was grateful for the efforts of the many firefighters who left their comfortable homes in the middle of the night and worked in a thunderstorm to try to save someone else’s house.