Cathia Schmarje honored at Extension Business Professionals conference last week

GAINESVILLE – Liberty County Extension Office Administrative Assistant Cathy Schmarje received the 2023 Connect, Grow, Shine Award as last week’s Florida Extension Business Professionals conference in Gainesville.

She was nominated for the honor by Extension Director Marie Arick, who said, “Cathia consistently finds creative solutions to bridge the gap between clientele expectations and compliance requirements. I believe one of the reasons why she can do this is due to her experience as a county extension program assistant – this gave her intimate knowledge of the extension mission, model, and impact. Cathia’s commitment to excellence has regularly resulted in excellent job performance ratings and positive relationships with clientele and stakeholders.”

She was selected from the 16-county district.  Four others from the remaining extension districts were also honored with the award.

She was nominated by Arick, who shared a long list of the responsibilities that makes Schmarje an important part of the office in Bristol.  “Cathia’s position entails all financial recordkeeping, both county and UF IFAS, management of our facility rentals, overseas day to day office duties, from ordering supplies to calling maintenance for repairs, manages social media, fields calls and walk-ins, and is the only support staff available for the Extension office.”

In the nomination letter to the judges, Arick summarized her appreciation for Schmarje, who has been with the Extension Office for 26 years, by noting, “Frankly, she is a one woman show that keeps our office running smoothly. From affirmative action files to staff meeting minutes, all i’s are dotted, and t’s are crossed.”