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Yard Sale Saturday, Oct. 19 at Willis Insurance Office ginning at 7 a.m. CT. Tools, new Halloween items, tackle boxes, small bookcase, clothes, shows and much more.  For info, call (850) 209-5978.

Boston Whaler 2002,  13 foot, 40 HP, 4 stroke engine. EXCELLENT condition! Full front rail, bimini, ski tow bar, swim ladder, galvanized trailer. $10,500. Contact Ann Robinson at (850) 264.4760.

Ruger Lcp Max Dark Earth Cerakote finish .380 with Tritium front sight. Pocket holster, 1 ten round and 2 12 round magazines. Has a Sigurd short stroke trigger. Asking $450. Call or text Wesley at (850) 447-1951.

Three refrigerators:  Nice, tall white refrigerator with icemaker, works great, $150; Extra tall mini-fridge, like new, $75;  Medium size freezer, works great, $85.  Located in Quincy.  Call (850) 405-0723.

Two sweet one-year-old cats. Happy to be indoors or out. Call (850) 405-0723. Will deliver to you.  Call (850) 405-0723.

Seven beautiful German Shepherd puppies looking for great homes! Four females and three males,  seven weeks old and ready for their furever homes. They are dewormed have had first shots and they are registered. Call (850) 272-3087.


DONATE YOUR VEHICLE to fund the SEARCH FOR MISSING CHILDREN.  FAST FREE PICKUP.  24 hour response.  Running or not. Maximum Tax Deduction and No Emission Test Required!  Call 24/7:  888-815-4341.


Washing machine  for $100,  dryer for $60.    Both name brand and work well.  Call (850) 321-4374.

Two 10-month-old cats, free to a good home.  One black, the other striped.  House trained. Good to stay inside or outside. Call (850) 321-4374.

Perennial peanut hay, barn stored in Altha, for $80 a roll.  Call (561) 793-1210.


ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Discover Oxygen Therapy That Moves with You with Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators. FREE information kit. Call 866-472-8591.


Washing machine, works great, $100. Call (850) 321-4374.

Looking for some Wild Strain Eastern Wild Turkeys or chicks. Gave a bunch to young man 10 – 15  years ago that lived Liberty County. I will pay if someone has any. Email or call or (850) 592-2793.

King size bed with new headboard and footboard, asking $850.  Also have women’s clothing, size medium and large. Please call (850) 559-2161.

Looking for good quality wood chipper as soon as possible.  Prefer a reasonably-priced 4 or 6 inch, 10-plus hp model or one driven by a tractor.  Call Brian at (385) 333-2665 after 5 p.m.

1940s Polaroid Land Camera, model 95A with flash and case, $50, old, like new.  Cannon AF 35 m, 11. with case, $100. Nine Big Mouth Singing Billy Bass. $50.  Best offers. Call (850) 674-6242.


YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are between 52-63 years old and under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-888-222-1803.


Four brand new 29.5x10x12 Swamp Lite tires on Polaris stock rims for $650; 1.5 in spacers for Polaris for $60. Also have a 2009 Polaris 800 x2 4×4 with 29.5x10x12 outlaw 2 tires, front bumper, winch, has dump bed and can seat 2, runs great. Every thing works as it should. Asking $5,000.  Call (850) 674-1308.


BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices – No payments for 18 months!  Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available.  Call: 1-855-315-1952.


Murray riding lawn tractor. Not running, needs work. Make an offer. Call (850) 674-2598.

2002 Harley Davidson Super Glide motorcycle.  Asking $5500 or best offer.  Runs perfectly, just needs a rear tire.  Call (850) 557-9928.


Mini fridge, 3 foot tall, works good. Asking $55.  2/5 foot mini fridge for $50 or both for $90. 32” flatscreen color tv for $60. Call (850) 756-6617.

Electric wheelchair, 2 new batteries and a new charger included.  Runs great. Asking $800. Call (850) 643-4559.

Lift chair in good shape, $300; Jazzy motorized wheelchair, asking $250; Tan leather couch and loveseat, asking $200; wood coffee table with glass top for $45, pick up in Altha. Call Gail Reese at (850) 557-1789.

2018 Burgundy Peterbilt 389. Stand up 78″ sleeper, Cummins 565 deleted, 18 speed, 583774 miles. As new; cam, rocker arms, 20/50 clutch, oil pan gasket, rear main seal, tires all around, brakes and shocks. There are no issues with this truck. One owner. $125,000. Call or text Don Sargent at (850) 447-0505 or message him on Facebook for more information.

Looking for  older, small truck, 4 cyl. 2 wheel drive in running order.  Prefer Nissan or Toyota, but will look at others. Call  (850) 674-6242.

5500 watt generator on wheels with electric start.  Located in Sneads. Asking $300. Call (850) 526-1753.