FHP locates elderly

couple from Ocoee

in Liberty Co. after

worried family asks

for welfare check

LIBERTY COUNTY, FL – An elderly couple with dementia traveling through Liberty County after leaving their home in Ocoee were found here yesterday after a family member reached out to the Florida Highway Patrol.

Because the couple’s daughter had placed an air tag in their 2019 Ford Edge, troopers were able to quickly catch up with the couple, who were discovered traveling along SR 20 near SR 267.

“The couple both appeared confused and were unable to provide a direction of travel consistent with the locations they attempted to explain,” according to the FHP report.  “Not knowing the current year or if they stayed in a hotel the night before, along with other indicators that alarmed the Troopers, they requested Liberty County EMS to respond.”

Concerned with the welfare and safety of the elderly couple, one of the troopers followed Liberty County EMS to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital where they could receive treatment and have a place of safety. The trooper was also able to communicate with the daughter, keeping her updated on the process and locations so she could respond for her parents.

The trooper who remained at the scene was able to provide water and comfort to the dog, pictured here, which appeared dehydrated.

Several weapons were taken from the vehicle, documented and turned over to the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office for safe keeping. The vehicle was towed by Bristol 66. Gadsden County Animal Control was willing to travel down to Liberty County and assist with the safe keeping of the family pet.

The Florida Highway Patrol recognizes the importance of offering support and a willingness to help in situations like this one, the elderly parents and the dog all needed a little extra comfort and support. The report noted, “We hope we were able to offer the daughter of this couple a little peace of mind knowing our troopers took the time to go the extra mile. We are also thankful for all the partner agencies who were willing to assist in this unique event.”