
CALHOUN CO. – An early morning crash at SR 20 and NW Melvin New Grade Road has claimed the life of a 37-year-old Lake Worth man in Calhoun County.

A 26-year-old Bristol man was eastbound on SR 20 at 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning when his pickup truck strayed out of the eastbound  lane, crossed the center line of the road and collided with the front of a westbound SUV, According to the report from the Florida Highway Patrol,

The left front of the truck hit the left front of the second vehicle.  The impact sent the pickup rotating as it left the pavement before coming to rest on the south shoulder of the road.  The SUV also spun around and went off the road before coming to a stop on the north shoulder.

Both drivers were wearing their seatbelts.  It is thought that fatigue may have been a factor in the deadly crash, which remains under investigation.

The fatal crash was investigated by FHP Trooper C. Maloney and Cpl. Ellis.


PLEASE NOTE:  The original date on this story has been corrected. The crash happened Saturday morning, not Sunday.