No one seriously injured

Log trailer & pickup

collide at Bristol

intersection Friday


    BRISTOL, FL – “Semi runs red light and miraculously no injuries are reported!” exclaimed FHP Captain Jason King after responding to an accident that locked down the intersection of  SR 20 and CR 12 at 10:53 a.m. in Bristol Friday after a log truck ran a red light and collided with a pickup.

    According to the FHP report, the log truck driver, who was carrying a full load, was traveling east in the outside lane of SR 20 as he approached the intersection.

    A pickup truck was waiting at the red light on NW CR 12, facing north at the intersection with SR 20.  When the light turned green, the driver pulled out.  The oncoming log truck failed to heed his red light and swerved to his left as the pickup entered the roadway.  The pickup collided with the passenger side of the log trailer, causing it to overturn and send pine log rolling across the eastbound lanes of SR 20.

    When the log truck finally stopped, the trailer was on its side in the eastbound lanes of SR 20 with logs spilled out across the road. 

    After impact with the trailer, the pickup rotated clockwise until coming to a final rest facing south in the westbound lane of SR 20.

    Remarkably, the log truck driver – identified as a 45-year-old Manchester, PA man – was not hurt.

    The pickup truck driver – age 31, of Bristol – and his passenger, a 43-year-old Wewahitchka man – also escaped injury.

    A video of the crash recorded by another driver’s dash cam showed the black pickup pull out after getting the green light as the truck barreled on through, making a hard left in an attempt to go around the oncoming pickup.  The trailer struck the pickup and sent it spinning around in the middle of the road after crushing in the front and knocking off what appeared to be a tool box from the smaller vehicle.

    Traffic was rerouted until the area could be cleared.  FHP was assisted at the scene by the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, the Bristol Fire Dept. and Liberty EMS.

    “This has been an ongoing problem for Liberty County residents and the Sheriff’s Office as well as the Florida Highway Patrol,” said King about Liberty County’s only traffic light.  “When a light turns yellow it’s warning you that the green “through” light is about to change and the red stop light is imminent. We are reminding drivers to practice patience and pause, slow to a stop and don’t try and “Make it”.

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