Group opposes drilling permit in Calhoun Co.

Riverkeeper organization

opposes new drilling permit

CALHOUN COUNTY – Apalachicola Riverkeeper has issued an Action Alert to bring attention to the public about proposed exploratory oil and gas drilling in the Apalachicola River Basin.

On their website,, the organization announced that Clearwater Land & Minerals has applied for a permit to drill a new oil and gas well in a site between the Chipola River, Dead Lakes and the Apalachicola River.  The application is under review and the state is expected to take action by Jan. 5.

The group’s concerns include:

•Exploratory wells bring the risk of releasing harmful chemicals into the wetlands and rivers. A period of heavy rain could be disastrous if it carries toxins into the river system.

•Oil wells also require thousands of gallons of water per day, water that would otherwise support flows to the river, floodplain and bay.

•This well is not in the public interest for those that use and care for the Apalachicola River and Bay.The risk of damage to water quality, biologic and geologic integrity of the ecosystem from oil drilling far exceeds any benefits that a small number of property owners and an oil company will gain.

•This drilling pad is located adjacent to an Outstanding Florida Water.

•This area is surrounded by wetlands and freshwater forest

•Extreme weather events are expected to worsen flooding in years to come.

The organization is urging residents in the area to share their comments, concerns and questions with DEP Administrator, Mr. Gerry Walker,   

Apalachicola Riverkeeper is dedicated to the protection, restoration, and stewardship of the Apalachicola River and Apalachicola Bay. We are often the only line of defense against environmental degradation of the River and Bay, advocating at the grassroots level, with state legislators and regulators, in the courts, and in the halls of Congress.