FROM LEFT: Lt. Col. Heber Meeks (Ret.), Major Bobby G. Pickron, U.S. Army (Ret.), Tom Rankin and Ruth Pickron.

Local vet Major Bobby Pickron honored

by the Sons of the American Revolution

Major Bobby G. Pickron,  U.S. Army (Ret.), a lifetime resident of Liberty County, was recognized by the William Dunaway Chapter, National Society Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR), at his home by a group of local veterans  Sept. 2, 2023.  Included were his family members and also the VFW 12010 Post Commander, Lt. Col. Heber Meeks, U.S. Army (Ret.).  In appreciation for his military service and personal sacrifices during wartime, he was presented the NSSAR Wounded Warrior Coin along with a certificate.  The NSSAR Wounded Warrior Certificate and Coin are presented to members of the U.S. military that were wounded in combat.  

Major Pickron proudly served his country for over 20 years in the United States Army.  He entered the military service after graduation from Liberty County High School in 1958.  At the age of 14 he recalls his decision to become a pilot when he and a cousin made a trip to Eglin AFB where they saw many different types of aircraft.  He received his Basic Infantry Training at Fort Benning, Georgia which included his preparation for becoming a military pilot.  This training included serving as a helicopter mechanic, air traffic controller, attending Officer Candidate School as well as Airborne School. In May 1966 he attended Helicopter Flight School and subsequently attended the Fixed Wing Flight School.  He served two tours in Vietnam.  In 1967 he flew helicopter gunships for a year, moving through successive positions as a pilot, aircraft commander, and platoon leader.  Several times he was placed in situations that were beyond his experience, and he would give a brief, short prayer, “God this one is beyond me, please take over”, which would allow him to be calm, cool, and focused on the mission.  He is the recipient of numerous military medals including the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry and the Bronze Star Medal.

Many years later he received the following email from one of his fellow soldiers, (Crew Chief William Tippins), that illustrates the impact that he had on those with whom he served:  

“Sir, I attended a Veteran’s Day Service yesterday.  Brings back a lot of memories.  Mostly good, some bad, and a few that literally scared the crap out of me.  Through it all, I thanked the Lord that I was among MEN of valor, dedication, guts and principle.  You, Sir, embodies everything I loved and respected in a man, a commander, and warrior.  It may sound a bit corny, Sir, but he title warrior is not one I throw around.  You my DI Wei (Vietnamese for Captain), I hold you on a higher plane, along names like George Patton, “Chesty” Puller, Omar Bradley, and First Sgt. Eugene Albert Tippins (my dad).  You stood the gap, took command, and took coordinates, so we could continue.  Sir, I love you, and thank you for fighting for me, my wife, my three children, and my eleven grandchildren.”

After his military retirement, he returned to Liberty County with his wife Ruth and their children. He was the Senior Army Instructor at the Chattahoochee High School JROTC Program until he retired in 1998. He continued to serve his community as an active leader in the VFW, many community organizations and the Lake Mystic Baptist Church.     

NSSAR is the largest male lineage organization in the country. The members have ancestors who for fought for our country’s independence during the American Revolution. The William Dunaway Chapter, Florida Society SAR (FLSSAR) of Marianna, FL meets the second Thursday of each month, September-May, 6 p.m. CT, at Jim’s Buffet and Grill located on Lafayette Street in Marianna. For more information on how to join, email Tom Rankin, Chapter President, at