October 28, 2024

Man arrested 1 day out of prison for sexual battery and false imprisonment


by Teresa Eubanks, CLJNews.com

BLOUNTSTOWN – Just one day after he was released from prison, a Calhoun County man was charged with sexual battery of a physically incapacitated victim and false imprisonment. 

Braylan Taylor Hill, 21, was arrested after a woman reported he had picked her up at the beginning of her 7 p.m. supper break from work on Feb. 1.  She said he drove her to an isolated area of Sam Atkins Park, where he sprayed her with pepper spray and raped her.

The victim was still suffering from the effects of the spray an hour later as she sat in front of an air conditioning vent of a patrol car in an effort to minimize the burning to her eyes as arrangements were being made for her to be seen by a nurse with the Gulf Coast Sexual Assault Program.  A deputy drove her to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, where she was joined by her husband before undergoing a medical examination to assess her injuries and collect evidence of the attack.


The victim told investigators she was scheduled to be at work at 3 p.m. that day.  On her way to her job, she stopped by the home where Hill was staying so that he could drive her to work and then use her vehicle that evening.  Later,  he texted her and said he’d like to take her out to eat during her 7 p.m. lunch break.  She told deputies that she thought it was nice of him to make such an offer and agreed to go with him.

After he picked her up, they made one stop and then headed out to the park.

She told investigators that during the ride, Hill asked her if she would “do anything for him.” She replied yes. They spoke a bit more before he repeated the question.  Unsure of his meaning, she told him to be more specific and then asked if he needed money.

The car stopped and things suddenly escalated.  She said Hill grabbed her by the head  and forced her face into his lap as he exposed himself. 

The stunned woman said she didn’t know how to react and told him to take her back to work.  He replied that he wanted to drive around the park one time before leaving.

She reported that he drove toward the back, near the off-leash dog park, stopped the car and then pepper-sprayed her.

She said she tried to push away from him but couldn’t breathe.  He lifted up her shirt, let back her seat, took off her pants and violated her as she begged him to stop.

The assault left her distraught and unable to see, due to the burning left by the blast of pepper spray to her face.

She managed to get dressed and he drove her back to work, dropped her off and drove away.  When she got out of the car, she couldn’t see well enough to get around and nearly collapsed. A co-worker noticed her outside, went to see about her and then called 911.


After a BOLO was issued for the victim’s car, a deputy located Hill on Ashley Shiver Road.  When Hill saw the deputy, he ran into the woods.  K9 tracking teams  from both prisons responded and began the search.  Hill was found hiding in a body of stagnant water.  He was taken into custody and then transported to Capital Regional Hospital for injuries sustained that night.  He was later booked into the Calhoun County Jail.

A key chain attached to a bottle of pepper spray was found in the victim’s car.  The top was opened to the spraying position.  An empty condom wrapper was found in the driver’s floorboard, along with Hill’s prison identification card, according to the arrest report.

Hill is now in custody at the Calhoun County Jail.


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