January 21, 2025

New Bishop Shad Redmon

is called in Bristol Ward


from Tommy Chapman, Communications Director

for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

BRISTOL, FL – The Bishopric in the Bristol Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was reorganized on Dec. 10, 2023.   Newly called Bishop, Shad Redmon, succeeds Bishop Jim Deason, who served faithfully as Bishop of the Bristol Ward for five years.  As Bishop, Redmon will oversee the administration and the spiritual welfare of church members in the general Bristol/Blountstown area called the Bristol Ward.   Bishop Redmon has called Wade Wilson and Shad Johnson to serve as first and second counselors respectively. Together, they will strive to help the members of the Bristol Ward in their efforts to follow Jesus Christ.  The Bristol Ward is one of seven congregations that comprise the Panama City Stake of the Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The process of becoming a Bishop is unique. Individuals do not campaign for such a role, rather they are chosen by divine revelation.  Jacob Fish, Panama City Stake President, along with his counselors seek divine revelation through prayer.  It is amazing the clarity and revelation that comes with the decision. Some characteristics of Bishops can be found in 1 Timothy, Chapter 3 of the Bible.  

Outgoing Bishop Deason wishes Bishop Redmon well in his new responsibilities and says that the two things he will miss the most is working with the youth of the Ward and helping church members and non-members seek and rely on Jesus Christ. Redmon, Johnson, and Wilson humbly accepted the new callings and began their official duties on Sunday,  Dec. 10.   Bishop Redmon is especially excited to work first hand with the Youth of the Ward.  In his first address to the congregation on Sunday, his expressed this sentiment and expressed his love to his family, members of the Bristol Ward, and all those who have helped him over the years to learn about and come closer to Jesus Christ.  

Bishop Redmon invites all who are interested to come worship every Sunday at 11:30 EST.  Everyone is welcome.


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