Pre-Halloween safety sweep

Pre-Halloween public safety operation held to ensure sex offenders follow state laws

QUINCY, FL – Inspectors and agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) partnered with Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) to conduct Operation Spooky Sweep. The operation was launched to confirm that registered sexual offenders and sexual predators were complying with Florida’s registration laws, helping ensure neighborhoods were safe for Halloween trick or treating.

During the operation, physical contact was made with more than 50 registrants residing in Gadsden County to confirm they continue to follow registration laws. Six of those contacted were arrested for not complying with the laws.

Those arrested include:

•ANTHONY JEROME DIXON – Dixon had an active GCSO arrest warrant for failure of a sexual offender to report vacating a permanent residence and his whereabouts had been unknown for approximately one month. Investigators located Dixon at an unreported Quincy address, and he was taken into custody.

•HIRAM BEAMON – Beamon had an GCSO active arrest warrant for failure of a sexual offender to register as required. He had not reported for mandatory reregistration since 2022. Investigators located Beamon at his registered address, and he was taken into custody.

•RODNEY DIXON – Dixon had not resided at his registered address for a year. He was located at an unregistered address and with an unregistered vehicle. He was arrested on one count of failure of a sexual offender to report a change in residence, one count of failure of a sexual offender to report a change in vehicles owned and four counts of knowingly providing false sexual offender registration information by act or omission.

•KEITH LAMAR THOMAS  – Thomas was found to have two unreported vehicles. He was arrested for two counts of failure of a sexual offender to report a change in vehicles owned and one count of knowingly providing false sexual offender registration information by act or omission.

•DEMETRIC BRADWELL  – Bradwell was found to have two unreported vehicles. He was arrested for two counts of failure of a sexual offender to report a change in vehicles owned and one count of knowingly providing false sexual offender registration information by act or omission.

•DARIUS GREEN – Green was found to have four unreported vehicles. He was arrested for four counts of failure of a sexual offender to report a change in vehicles owned and one count of knowingly providing false sexual offender registration information by act or omission.

The operation was conducted by FDLE’s Enforcement and Investigative Support Bureau inspectors, Office of Statewide Intelligence agents, FDLE’s Tallahassee Regional Operations Center agents and GCSO investigators.

FDLE’s Enforcement and Investigative Support (EIS) Unit partners with sheriffs across Florida to verify compliance with Florida’s registration laws requiring sex offenders and predators to report to their local sheriff’s office and provide information including residential addresses, telephone numbers, vehicle information, internet identifiers, photograph, passport and conviction information.

To keep your family safe, visit Florida’s Sex Offender Registry Sexual Offenders and Predators Search.

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Florida Department of Corrections ensures sex

offender compliance to keep children and families safe

FDC keeps Florida’s streets

safe during Halloween

 FLORIDAThursday night, Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) Probation Officers, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies across the state, will thoroughly inspect the residences of sex offenders and predators under felony supervision to ensure they do not partake in any Halloween-related activities and enforce court ordered conditions.

“Governor DeSantis has prioritized public safety in Florida,” said the Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Ricky Dixon. “Children and their families should be able to engage in time honored traditions within their local communities without fearing those who may wish them harm. We want to thank our dedicated staff and our law enforcement partners for their efforts to keep Florida’s communities free and safe.”

This critical annual initiative involves thousands of home inspections statewide, ensuring sex offenders and predators under supervision are not engaging in prohibited activities or creating any risk to the community. The inspections reinforce strict compliance with regulations prohibiting Halloween activities for sex offenders and predators, such as preventing interaction with children, restricting access to decorations, and adhering to curfews.

“This annual initiative is one of the many ways we follow Governor DeSantis’ lead  in prioritizing public safety and upholding our duty to enforce the conditions set forth by the sentencing authority,” said Assistant Deputy Secretary of Community Corrections Joe Winkler. “This planned compliance initiative is a joint-effort enhanced by the heroic support of our law enforcement partners across the state including our state agencies, sheriff’s offices, and police departments. I want to personally thank every member of our staff that is foregoing time with their families tonight to keep our communities safe.”

Sex offenders are required to strictly abide by holiday-specific restrictions which include:

  • Not giving out candy or other treats
  • Turning off porch lights; closing blinds
  • Not decorating outside
  • Not answering the door to trick-or-treaters
  • Not dressing in costumes or masks
  • Not attending Halloween parties

Offenders who are in willful non-compliance with the terms of their supervision will be subject to immediate arrest and violation of probation.

The Florida Department of Corrections and its partners remain vigilant, working to ensure that Halloween is a safe and enjoyable evening for all.