BASCOM, FL –  The state-wide Florida Tree Farm Program’s board of directors will hold their 3rd quarter 2024 meeting in the historic Bascom Schoolhouse in Bascom on Tuesday, August 6 at 10 a.m. (CDT). The Florida Tree Farm organization represents the national American Tree Farm System (ATFS) at the state level. 

The board meets four times a year in various locations across Florida. “We especially like to meet in those areas of the state that have a robust and successful timber industry,” said John Nash, president of the state organization. “Jackson County certainly meets that qualification. We encourage local tree farmers who are either already Certified Tree Farmers, or landowners who would like to learn more about Tree Farm certification to join us in Bascom,” Nash added.

A light lunch will be served at noon following the morning meeting. A tour of The Bascom Urban Forest will take place after lunch. Those tree farmers wishing to attend the meeting should call Brittany Varn at (850) 222-5646 to register.

Tree Farm is a nationwide network of private landowners (from 10 acres to 10,000 acres) committed to sustainable forest management practices that ensure the provision of certified wood supplies, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and clean water.

“At the core of the state organization is a network of Floridians who care deeply about their land, wildlife, our water resources and recreation,” added Nash. “Enrollment in the American Tree Farm System tells our communities and the world that we stand among the best woodland stewards in America.”

Participants in the American Tree Farm Program are committed to following sustainable forest management practices and techniques for a broad range of objectives. When surveyed, the top three objectives of family forest owners in the program are conserving wildlife habitat, having a place to enjoy with their friends and families, and leaving the land better for the next generations. 

Learn more about Tree Farm certification and the Five Steps to ATFS enrollment.

For more information contact John Alter or call (850) 569-2412